- 紀錄面試過程:從片段無從得知當事人有否問準面試公司紀錄面試過程,當事人亦已公開對方的公司名稱、面試官名字及工作地點。需知道面試的過程,包括面試官的問題及對答内容都是絕對保密,甚至以片段紀錄作私人參考亦需問準。倘若對方容許公開面試過程,片段亦需要經過人力資源部門及法律部門審批。為免墮入法律陷阱,拍片前請三思。
- 面試準備:當事人面試的公司爲連鎖式快餐店,工作範圍大多爲煮食及爲客人下單,基本的溝通技巧及客戶服務經驗理應足夠,公司大多未會留難應徵者是否了解公司背景、歷史、Career Path之類。於準備階段建議紙筆紀錄客戶服務/工作及解決紛爭的經驗(同事間的紛爭亦可以),面對壓力的應對方法及示範跟他人的基本相處及溝通的技巧,所有的答案儘量以實質例子作支持。
- 面試問題及建議回應:
- “My name is…”
此部份直接簡單,如果申請表上未有填寫英文名字的話,對方有可能會問你的Preferred Name,你甚至可以跟對方表示你希望以XXX作稱呼,若對方未有追問該名字的串法,不需自行加上其他的修飾。例子如”My name is Candy because I am sweet.” 就太矯揉造作了。 - How do you spend your leisure time?
意思是工作以外你如何打發時間,你可以分享你的興趣。因爲面試的公司爲連鎖式快餐店,你可以藉此機會表示你對煮食的滿足感,但答案切忌誇張以免嚇怕對方,例如答:我對食物的質素及追求非常執著就太過份了,除非你應徵的是Head Chef的職位。當事人可能過分緊張而回答希望利用full-time的工作去支持自己YouTube的事業,給對方一個I am your second option、不認真的感覺,建議避免。 - What is your YouTube channel about?
此問題不適用於其他面試。當事人回答關於leisure time一問題的時候未有提及YouTube channel以外的資料,對方惟有追問關於YouTube channel的内容。回答自己的背景的時候請儘量減少”As you may know about Hong Kong…”而假設對方已經知道香港發生的事,亦請避免談及政治紛爭。理想的答案可以是:My YouTube channel is about settling into the UK as a Hong Kongese. With the recent changes in my home country, I decided to take an alternative career path and advance my life experiences. Through vlogging my personal life in the UK, Hong Kongese who share similar challenges as me could find it easier to blend in and settle into the local community. - How far do you live from the restaurant?
對方理應已經知道你的住屋地點,此問題應該理解爲How do you travel to work?因爲對方希望commuting並不會對你上班做成困難。當事人回應自己可以駕車上班亦問及是否有泊車地方的時候,估計對方的回應是NO(因片段中未有紀錄面試官的回應),所以當事人表示自己步行上班亦可。最理想的答案是I may either walk to work or ride on my bike(當然你需要真的懂踏單車吧!)。 - What are your preferred working hours?
當事人面試的工作性質需要輪班,所以對方亦會予以尊重而事先詢問最理想的上班時間安排,答案I am quite flexible屬合理。可惜,此部份當事人一再提及自己的YouTube channel,難免對方認爲你先把YouTube當成第一事業,面試的工作爲後,有不認真之嫌。 - Do you agree that smart appearance is important?
以英國模式的回應,會是:It is absolutely important. I believe a smart, neat, and hygienic appearance will deliver consistent and professional images to our customers. I will maintain the highest standard of appearance where the company requires. - Name a person that you respect.
當事人以“This is a hard question.”作一個錯誤的開端,理應爲”This is a good question.”。當時人描述前上司的成就屬恰當,可惜未有借機會分享What have you learned from her?的部份。(P.S. person爲單數,people爲眾數,people唔需要加上s) - Why did you quit your last job?
英語人甚少用quit一詞去詢問以往的工作紀錄,當事人有可能paraphrased對方的問題,通常會用leave代替。此部份的答案可以跟上面問題互相呼應,再重覆回答一次自己離開香港的決心。 - Did you do well in your last job?
此問題實質上詢問How did you rate yourself in your last job? 或 Please share your success stories from your last job,若只理解問題表面而失去本質就太可惜。 - Fast service or friendly service is more important?
建議回應:If I had to choose one, I would probably pick friendly service to be more important. People or customers are the core to our business and retaining customers is crucial. That would not be achieved with only speed for delivery. However, each customer has different expectations. Managing them in the friendliest way while maintaining the highest standard and speed of delivery will be best. - If you are a brand, what will you be?
當事人一再只理解問題表面而失去本質,此問題的理解方式應爲what does a great brand look to you?。你可以就對方公司的品牌去推銷自己適合該品牌的原因,包括global brand、非常”入屋”/家傳互曉、對服務質素一絲不苟、客人的信任、等。建議回應爲:The best brand should be widely embraced and trusted by the community. Trust by the customers and staff and high level of services would make a brand successful. I believe being part of a global brand like McDxxxxd will fulfil my pride. - Which part do you hate most about your last job?
當事人的答案尚可但建議避免過分specific,對方希望了解當事人對於不喜歡的工作時候的解決/應對方法。可以嘗試:dealing with all the uncertain tasks had put me into anxiety. However, job completion had given me the utmost satisfaction. Through taking self-learning courses online, I had equipped myself the new and necessary skills in tackling the tasks I was required to do. Keyword爲self-learning,意思是I can work under minimal supervision。 - Why is enjoying your job so important?
如果聽不清對方的問題,建議用I beg your pardon或Apologies. Could you repeat the question?
當事人回答此問題又一再只理解問題表面。對方希望知道的是Will you enjoy this job you are applying? 建議答案爲:I enjoy engaging with people and helping solve problems for them. When I enjoy what I am doing, it is hardly a job. That is precisely why the role I am applying is best suited for me. - When will you be available for work?
即when is the earliest start date?,”Anytime. Maybe tomorrow is fine for me.”並非理想回答方式,建議用:I may start as soon as the interview process is complete。
面試不能“一本通書睇到老”,需要根據應徵公司的背景及職位作準備,沒有絕對的對與錯,只有effective與否。以上的意見希望可以引導大家思考,亦建議參考面試:Preparing Better Questions一文:https://london852.marketing/2020/06/15/interview-questions/